Vestido para Niña Burbuja

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Talla: 12

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Este increíble vestido para niña Burbuja le ofrece un estilo elegante, moderno y con mucho encanto. El vestido blanco y celeste, fabricado con una tela de calidad suave y fresca, se presenta con una silueta simple pero atractiva, completamente versátil para cualquier ocasión. ¡Es una hermosa pieza que le otorgará a tu pequeña un aspecto distinguido y único!

*Accesorio para la cabeza, vendido por separado.

If you want to buy an accessory that matches the garment on this page, but you don't know which one is the best, or you can't find it in our online store, please add it from this same screen where it says "Add a Nice Matching Accessory"

Our designer will be in charge of selecting the best accessory for the garment you chose, and it will be sent with your order! If it is a standard design, the accessory may match the one the model is wearing.


If the accessory that the model is wearing in these photos is one of the most elaborate ones, they have a higher price and you need to choose it yourself and add it to your shopping cart from the 👉  accessories collection .

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